Inn of the Turquoise Bear

Home of Witter Bynner (1881-1968), a prominent person in Santa Fe  for almost 50 years who actively participated  in the cultural, artistic and political life of Santa Fe. He was also a noted poet,  translator and essayist and staunch advocate for human rights, especially Native Americans, women and other minorities.

Brynner who was originally engaged to Edna St Vincent Millay  eventually met Robert Hunt. They where together for over 40 years and were famous for their riotous parties( Bynner’s bashes).The  gatherings  would include at any give time Ansel Adams, D.H Lawrence, Willa Cather, Igor Stravinsky, Robert Frost, Christopher Isherwood, Martha Graham, WH Auden, Errol Flynn, Rita Haywood, Georgia O’Keefe, Robert Oppenheimer, Mary Austin, Willard Nash, Thorton Wilder,  JB Priestly and many more! 

The building dates back to early 1800’s.  Bynner bought the estate  from Paul Burlin , the widower of Natalie Curtis who owned the “little pink Adobe home” (she is noteworthy in her own right as an ethnomusicologist who is remembered for her transcriptions and publications of traditional native musical at a time when the government had policy of eradicating their languages. She is featured in the book  Ladies of the Canyon). He then started adding on different wings using the traditional adobe brick to create the building that still stands today. It is wonderful example of a home that displays many of the traditional elements you find in old adobe homes including viga and latillas ceilings, kiva fireplaces, nichos, and other decorative touches. At that time the land around the estate  was mostly farmland and you could see the entire Jemez Mountain range on the western horizon 

Upon Witter’s death he willed the estate to St Johns College who used it for a few years as a residence Hall. In 1996 it was bought by Ralph Bolton and Robert Frost and they created a wonderful Santa Fe Bed and Breakfast. They restored the property which is now on the National Register of Historic places. They kept it very much in the Brynner style ..which it has continued under the guardianship now of Dan Clark and David Solem who are equally committed to rekindling the comfort, creativity and hospitality of which the home was renowned for and to extend the legacy of its famous creator for guests to appreciate, capturing the essence of Santa Fe’s past and present. 

“Your home is what I feel Santa Fe homes should be -the outer conformity to our native architecture and the inner experience of individual taste” Ruth Laughlin Alexander describing witter Bynner's home .       

About the author

Sita Jamieson Caddle has been leading History Walking Tours for the last eight years here in Santa Fe. She brings a sense of wonder to the way history shapes present day, and how that which we take for granted can have an amazing story behind it. Sita runs Discovery Walking Tours, together with her business partner Allen Steele. You can find more information about their Architecture Tour as well as History and other specialty tours on the website Santa Fe Discovery Walking Tours.


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